Adjust - Alter or make changes to something. , Annotate - Add notes explaining or commenting on a text or diagram. , Context - The surrounding evidenc that helps readers understand unknown words, events, or ideas. e , Fluency - The speed and tone of voice you use as you read. , Genre - Different categories of music or literature categorized by similar characteristics. , Mental Image - The visual picture you make in your head as you read. , Monitor - Where you use strategies to check or keep a continuous record of , Multiple Meaning - Words that typically have the same meaning. , Prediction - Where you use bits of information from text to anticipate what will come next. , Structure - The parts or elements of a text. , Connections - A relationship where a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else. , Evidence - Information or facts indicating if something is true or valid. , Inference - A conclusion where you have to use text evidence and your background knowledge to make a decision. , Key Idea - The most important or central idea of a paragraph or larger part of a text. , Synthesize - To think about something as you read it. You are interpreting the information. , Independent - To be on your own, self-sufficient, not dependent. ,
My Reading Life Vocabulary
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