1) What is the name of the first flag? a) Cloth b) Pretty Cloth c) Old Glory 2) What date is flag day? a) July 4 b) June 14 c) December 25 3) How many stripes does the flag have? a) 13 b) 16 c) 9 4) What flag had 15 stripes and 15 stars? a) The Ohio Flag b) The Grand Old Flag c) The Star Spangled Banner 5) Who wrote the national anthem? a) John Denver b) Francis Scott Key c) Betsy Ross 6) Where did our CURRENT flag first fly? a) Fort McHenry on July 4, 1960 b) Elyria, Ohio July 4, 1960 c) Washington DC July 4, 1960 7) When should we fly our flag? a) Ms Pero's birthday August 18 b) Martin Luther King Day c) St. Patrick's Day 8) When the flag is on stage, it should always be on the speakers' _____. a) left b) right

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