What clothes do you wear to school?, In the text called, "School Uniforms: Are They Necessary?" shares information about advantages to students wearing uniforms to school. The other text, " School Uniforms: No, Thank You!" expresses ideas against wearing school uniforms., In my opinion, public school students should wear uniforms to school., To begin, school uniforms create a sense of school spirit., The text explains, "With this pride, students are excited to come to school to focus on their academics instead of fashion.", In addition, school uniforms will help students focus on their studies., The text informs, "They hope that by having a dress code, children won't have to worry about owning the latest designer clothes and looking as cool as their classmates.", On the other hand, mandating students to wear uniforms takes away freedom of expression through their clothing., To support this "School Uniforms: No, Thank You!" states, "School uniforms take away their freedom.", As you can see, there are many reasons why students should wear uniforms to school., The topic of school uniforms is a very controversial issue and one that students have been debating over the years and will continue to be in the future..
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