heredity - The passing of physical characteristics from parents to offspring., trait - A specific characteristic that an organism can pass to its offspring through its genes., genetics - The scientific study of heredity., fertilization - The process in which egg and sperm cells join., purebred - The offspring of many generations that have the same form of a trait., gene - The factors that control a trait., allele - The different forms of a gene., dominant allele - A trait that always shows up in an organism when the allele is present., recessive allele - A trait that is hidden whenever the dominant allele is present., hybrid - An organism that has two different alleles for a trait., probability - A number that describes how likely it is that an event will occur., punnett square - A chart that shows all the possible ways alleles can combine in a genetic cross., phenotype - An organism's physical appearance or visible traits., genotype - An organism's genetic makeup or alleles., homozygous - When an organism has two identical alleles for a trait., heterozygous - When an organism has two different alleles for a trait., incomplete dominance - When one allele is only partially dominant., codominance - When both alleles for a gene are expressed equally., multiple alleles - When there are three or more possible alleles that determine the trait., polygenicinheritance - When more than one gene affects a trait., meiosis - The process by which the number of chromosomes is reduced by half as sex cells form.,

Genetics Crossword

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