the film was absolutely awful, he was an exceptionally brilliant child , the food smelled really disgusting, everyone was extremely excited, it is a really interesting story, the exam was really difficult, I am absolutely starving, I had a really fantastic holiday, I don't find politics very interesting, it can get bitterly cold in winter, the weather is absolutely boiling in summer, it is completely impossible to travel at the moment, the food in my country is utterly delicious, when it rains the whole place gets pretty muddy, in this country most houses are really tiny, my neighbour got absolutely furious, she lives in a remarkably crowded area, you are unusually quiet this morning, Anne is an exceptionally brilliant employee , their house was totally destroyed by the storm , We travel less frequently than before. , He finished his work surprisingly quickly!, The baby was born unexpectedly early. , The trip was carefully planned and we had an absolutely wonderful time. , The restaurant was beautifully decorated and the food was made by professionally trained chefs. , Your efforts are hugely appreciated., She worked exceptionally hard to pass the exams. , The buses are incredibly slow on rainy days. , My children have been doing amazingly well in school., The talk was interestingly and clearly presented. ,
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