Correct: The Earth's rotation takes 24 hours, The Earth rotates on an axis, The Earth's revolution takes 365 days, The Earth's revolution = one year, Day and night = Earth's rotation, Shadows change because of rotation, The sun appears to move across the sky because of rotation, The revolution and tilt of the Earth cause seasons, The Earth is constantly rotating, The Earth is constantly revolving, The Earth revolves around the sun, Incorrect: The Earth's rotation takes 365 days, The Earth's rotation takes 12 hours, The Earth's revolution is on its axis, The Earth's revolution takes 12 hours, The sun looks like it is moving across the sky because it moves around us, The Earth does not move, The day and night cycle is caused by the Earth's revolution around the sun, The Earth's revolution around the sun takes 24 hours, The Earth's revolution around the sun takes 1 day., The Earth's rotation takes 28 days to complete, The sun revolves around the Earth,
Rotation Vs. Revolution
5th Grade
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