What is your favorite food? , What is your favorite subject in school?, What is your favorite game? , What did you have for dinner last night?, Do you have any pets? If not, what pet do you wish to have?, What is your favorite dessert or candy?, What is your favorite color?, What is your favorite hobby?, Where were you born?, How would you spend a rainy day?, What is your favorite thing to do outside?, What is the best gift you have ever gotten?, If you were a superhero, what would be your superpower?, If there were a TV show about you and your life, what would it be called?, If you could be an emoji, which would you be?, What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?, If you could invite someone famous over for dinner, who would it be?, Where is one place in the world you want to visit one day?, What are 2 words that describe you?, What is one thing you cant live without?.
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