"Lose 1 point." , The red radish in the salad is rotten. , Finn, the Irish student, is a pal. , Steve says, "Get 3 points." , The long memo from Mom hung on the fridge. , My robot will mimic Susan. , Steve says, "Get 2 points." , David only has a moment to finish his quiz. , "Lose 2 points." , We plant a crocus and a lily by the tall shrub. , We got on a camel to trudge up the ridge. , Ms. Irish will travel solo. , The class will craft a model of Venus. , Steve says, "Take another turn." , Put a label on the basket of muffins. They are vegan. , Steve says, "Get 1 point." , Fresh bacon and eggs are on the menu. , Kenny is the only pupil to get credit for the class project. , "Lose 2 points." , I will publish my novel, The Comet in the Kitchen, in the spring. , "Get 1 point." , The Roman hero was livid when he lost the war. , "Lose 2 points." .
Minecraft game: VCV sentences
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