1) Which was NOT a motivation for exploration? a) God b) Glory c) Gold d) Gore 2) Which religion were the explorers trying to spread? a) Buddihism b) Christanity c) Scientology d) Islam 3) What were the "riches" explorers hoped to trade for profit? a) Silk, slaves, and spices b) Pearls, platnum, and pasta c) Furs, frankfurters, and fettuccini d) Abalone, aluminum, and alligator skins 4) Who were the first non-Natives to come to North or South America? a) The Italians b) The Vikings c) The Spanish d) The Portugese 5) Why was Marco Polo famous? a) He was the first European in Asia. b) He got rich from his travels to Asia. c) He wrote a book about his travels to Asia. d) He conquered the Mongols in Asia. 6) WHich was NOT a problem on the Silk Road? a) Deserts and Mountains b) Bandits c) Expensive tolls to travel through certain countries d) A lack of knowledge about the road 7) Who created a school of navigation? a) Prince Henry b) Prince Phillip c) Prince George d) Prince Charming 8) Why did explorers need royal sponsors? a) They couldn't travel without the permission of the king or queen. b) Exploring was expensive. c) It was too dangerous to explore without military support d) All land belonged to the king and queen. 9) What did royal sponsors expect in return? a) A portion of the profit b) Eternal servatude c) Their first born children d) Loyalty 10) What is the name of the fast ship that explorers prefered? a) Compass b) Astrolabe c) Caravel d) Cartography 11) What is the name of the the magnetic tool that explorers used to determine north, south, east, and west? a) Compass b) Astrolabe c) Caravel d) Cartography 12) What is the name of the skill of map-making? a) Compass b) Astrolabe c) Caravel d) Cartography 13) Who started the use of African slaves in Europe? a) Columbus b) Marco Polo c) Prince Henry the Navigator d) The Vikings 14) BONUS: What invention gave the Mongols a technological advantage in warfare in Asia? a) Gunpowder b) Stirrups c) Iron swords d) Paper money


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