1) Have I got a banana? a) No, you haven`t. b) Yes, you have. c) Yes, we have. d) Yes, they have. 2) Have they got a new car? a) Yes, they have. b) No, they haven`t. c) No, we haven`t. d) No, you haven`t. 3) Has he got any children? a) Yes, he has. b) No, he hasn`t. c) No, I hasn`t. d) No, we hasn`t. 4) Has she got a pink car? a) Yes, she has. b) No, she hasn`t. c) Yes, he has. d) Yes, I has. 5) Have we got milk? a) No, we haven`t. b) Yes, we have. c) Yes, they have. d) No, they haven`t. 6) Have you got a brown bag? a) No, I haven`t. b) Yes, I have. c) Yes, they have. d) Yes, she have. 7) Have they got nice books? a) Yes, they have. b) No, they haven`t. c) Yes, we have. d) Yes, I have. 8) Has it got wings? a) Yes, it has. b) No, it hasn`t. c) Yes, he has. d) Yes, she has. 9) Has he got a mobile phone? a) No, he hasn`t. b) Yes, he has. c) Yes, I has. d) Yes, she has. 10) Have you got lots of friends? a) No, I haven`t. b) Yes, I have. c) No, he hasn`t. d) Yes, he has. 11) Have I got long hair? a) No, you haven`t. b) Yes, you have. c) Yes, she has. d) Yes, she is. 12) Has your sister got a dog? a) No, she hasn`t. b) Yes, she has. c) Yes, I have. d) No, I haven`t. 13) Have my parents got a house? a) No, they haven`t. b) Yes, they have. c) Yes, we have. d) No, he hasn`t. 14) Have I and my groupmates got English lesson now? a) Yes, we have. b) No, we haven`t. c) No, I haven`t. d) Yes, you have. 15) Has it got a long tail? a) Yes, he has. b) Yes, she has. c) No, it hasn`t. d) Yes, it has.
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