1) an evolutionary process that is the result of a series of refinements to a basic invention a) Technology development b) Invention c) Innovation d) Most technology development has been 2) developing a new/useful process, tool, machine, etc. that did not previously exist. a) Patent b) Technology development c) Most technology development has been d) Invention 3) introducing new ideas/methods to an established process, tool, machine, etc. to produce marketable products a) Most technology development has been b) Innovation c) Invention d) Technology development 4) a property right granted by the government; allows the inventor to prohibit others from making, using, or selling his or her idea. a) Technology development b) Innovation c) Invention d) Patent 5) evolutionary a) Innovation b) Technology development c) Patent d) Most technology development has been 6) telephone a) innovation b) innvention 7) stone plow a) innovation b) innvention 8) plow a) invention b) innovation 9) smart phone a) invention b) innovation 10) cell phone a) invention b) innovation 11) pin hole camera a) invention b) innovation 12) polaroid camera a) invention b) innovation 13) computer a) invention b) innovation 14) laptop a) invention b) innovation 15) prehistoric shoes a) invention b) innovation 16) air Jordan's a) invention b) innovation

Vocab 2 patent

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