Tom leaned over to put on his shoes., I wonder why I didn't think of that., Tom certainly couldn't have succeeded without your help., Tom tried to convince me to do that., I wonder if this milk is still good., This is Tom's second year playing professional baseball., Tom stood at the bar having a drink., I wonder if I'll ever see you again., Tom has already gotten three threatening phone messages., Tom was the only one who thanked me., I woke up and you were already gone., Sometimes Tom doesn't really understand what's going on., Tom was the only one who came early., I wish I'd never broken up with you., Tom doesn't feel comfortable talking about his feelings., Tom was the only one Mary talked to., I wish I could do something to help., Tom clearly doesn't understand what we're talking about., Maybe Tom has a secret crush on you., I was meaning to get around to that., Tom has been experiencing severe headaches and dizziness., It's hard to keep a secret from Tom., I was meaning to ask you about that., The problem is Tom's complete unwillingness to negotiate., Tom and Mary went on a camping trip., I was just trying to stop the fight., Tom should've pretended that he didn't understand French., Tom is the tallest one in the class., I was asked to look into the matter., Tom resolved the situation without resorting to violence., Tom is the one who found Mary's key., I want to thank you for coming here., Tom doesn't understand because he wasn't paying attention., Tom is the one that doesn't like me., I want to know why you aren't ready., Tom has recently been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis., Tom is sitting in one of the chairs., I want to know why we're doing this., Tom's hobbies include playing chess and collecting stamps., Does one of you know where Tom went?, I want to know who your friends are., Tom should've listened more carefully to Mary's explanation., What you said to Tom made him angry., I want to hear more about your trip., Tom doesn't seem particularly interested in learning French., I thought a lot about what Tom said., I used to come here with my friends., Tom sometimes has trouble understanding other people's feelings., Tom has red spots all over his body., I told you never to come here again.,
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