1) How do you divide the word rabbit? a) rab / bit b) rabb / it c) ra / bbit 2) How do you divide the word catwalk? a) ca / twalk b) cat / walk c) catw / alk 3) How do you divide the word turtle? a) tur / tle b) turt / le c) tu / rtle 4) How do you divide the word poem? a) poe / m b) poem c) po / em 5) How do you divide the word muscle? a) mu / scle b) mus / cle c) musc / le 6) How do you divide the word turnip? a) tur / nip b) turn / ip c) tu / rnip 7) How do you divide the word method? a) me / thod b) met / hod c) meth / od 8) How do you divide the word cupboard? a) cup / board b) cu / pboard c) cup / bo / ard 9) How do you divide the word curtain? a) curt / ain b) cu / rtain c) cur / tain 10) How do you divide the word escaping? a) es / caping b) es / ca / ping c) es / cap / ing

Syllable Division

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