Who is the true Muslim? - He wants the same for his brother as he wants for himself, What does this Hadith ( ليس منا من لم يرحم صغيرنا و يوقر كبيرنا) mean? - He is not from us who has no mercy upon our younger ones and who does not respect our elders, How old was Abdullah Ibn Abbas when Rasulullah migrate to Madinah? - Three years old, What does this Hadith ( لا تظهر الشماتة لأخيك فيرحمه الله و يبتليك) mean? - Do not be happy at this misfortune of your brother, for Allah may save him from it and afflict you with it, What is the meaning of this Hadith ( ولا تجسسوا و لا تحسسوا)? - Do not spy upon one another and o not try to find out each other's hidden faults, Whoever devoid of kindness and mercy is devoid of all godness - True, For What did Umar consult Abdullah Ibn Abbas? - On important issues, When did Jabir accept Islam? - forty days before the death of Rasulullah, Where did Jabir settle down? - Kufa in Iraq, How old was Nu'man when Rasulullah die? - Eight years old,

Chapter 15 for middle school


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