engagement/ get engaged - an agreement to marry someone, to bring up - to raise ( a child), adolescent/ adolescence - a young person who is developing into adult, middle-aged/ middle age - 45 - 60 y.o., young adult - in their late teens or early twenties, toddler - a young child who is learning to walk or has recently learned to walk, grown-up - an adult, mature, to be getting on - have a good relationship, retirement - the act of leaving your job and stopping working, usually because you are old, young at heart - thinking and behaving as if you are younger than you really are, look your age - look as old as you really are, mature/ immature - completely grown physically and mentally, in smn's early/mid/late 20s/ 30s/ 40s - 22/ 25/ 29, twenty-five-ish - about 25, adopted child - legally taken by another family to be taken care of as their own child, orphan - a child whose parents are dead, sibling - a brother or sister:, separated - to make people move apart or into different places, or to move apart, twins - either of two children born to the same mother on the same occasion, look up to - to admire and respect someone, best-mate - best friend, brother-in law - the husband of your sister or brother, or the brother of your husband or wife, or the man who is married to the sister or brother of your wife or husband, distant cousin - a person who is not 1st, but 2nd, 3d cousin etc, to foster a child - to take care of a child, usually for a limited time, without being the child's legal parent, extended family - a family unit that includes grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, and uncles, etc. in addition to parents and children, immediate family - your closest relations, such as your parents, children, husband, or wife, stepfather (stepmother/ stepdaughter/ stepson) - he man who is married to someone's mother but who is not their real father, sworn enemies - people who will always hate each other., identical twin - a twin who developed from the same egg as its brother or sister and therefore is the same sex and looks the same as him or her, single parent - someone who has a child or children but no husband, wife, or partner who lives with them,
Stages of life
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