1) India is a subcontinent. it is part of the continent of.... a) south carolina b) virginia c) asia d) korea e) new york f) Pakistan 2) what did the people of the Indus valley use to build their homes? a) stone b) wood c) ice cream d) dirt e) oven baked bricks f) all of the above 3) How did we discover the Indus river valley? a) they found bricks when they were building the railway. b) history c) books d) notes e) google f) I don't know 4) who were the Aryans? a) dogs b) foxes c) nomads d) chickens e) domesticated animals f) all of the above 5) Where did the Aryans Migrate to? a) india b) asaia c) new York d) new mexico e) Bahamas f) arizona 6) what were the 2 civilizations? a) Mohenjo-daro and Harappa b) dogs and cats c) India and Asia d) pencils and crayons e) Girl and boy f) Mrs. Pisacani and Mrs. Lopresti 7) what is Sanskrit? a) there clothes b) the language they made up c) there favorite food d) there way of life e) there religion f) all of the above 8) How do people become members of the varna? a) they sign up b) they ask a friend c) they are born into it d) there parents put them in e) however they want f) all of the above 9) What is something that a person’s caste determined? a) what they eat b) what they drink c) their hair color d) everything e) their parents f) who they marry or their job 10) Which caste has the fewest members? a) delit b) shudra c) kshatriya d) brahmin e) vaishya f) kings and queens


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