Second Great Awakening  - A religious awakening from 1790 - 1840 that focused on individual salvation, self-improvement & led to social reforms. , Social Reform (Movements) - Organized call for change & improvement of different social problems in America., Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 - Series of laws that were passed to force the return of runaway slaves to the South., Abolitionist Movement - Reform movement to end slavery in the U.S. , Frederick Douglass - Self-educated, escaped slave, that dedicated his life to abolition. Published the "North Star", newspaper.. , William Lloyd Garrison - Abolitionist who called for the emancipation of all slaves. Published "The Liberator", newspaper., Temperance Movement - Reform movement to end the consumption of all alcohol in the U.S. , Women's Rights Movement - Reform Movement to grant women equal rights including the right to vote. , Quaker Religion - Religion from Colonial Pennsylvania that openly opposed slavery because it violated Christian beliefs in the bible.  , Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Women's Rights reformer that began her efforts after being barred from addressing male audiences in the Abolitionist Movement., Lucretia Mott - American Quaker, abolitionist, women's rights activist, and social reformer that joined Elizabeth Cady Stanton at the Seneca Falls Convention., Declaration of Rights and Sentiments - Stanton & Mott created a list of grievances by women against their bad treatment by men, put in the form of the Declaration of Independence at the Seneca Falls Convention., Susan B. Anthony - American Quaker, abolitionist, women's rights reformer whose work culminated in the passage of the 19th Amendment. , Dorothea Dix - Prison & asylum reformer whose efforts helped create dozens of new institutions across the U.S. with a focus on reform and rehabilitation. , Educational Reform Movement - Movement to expand public school to children, of all ages, across the U.S., Horace Mann - Education reformer preached that a Democratic Society needed public education that is free, open to all, & not based on religion. , Hudson River School Artists - Frederic Edwin Church, Thomas Cole, Asher Brown Durand, & Albert Bierstadt were early leaders in the natural landscape painting style. , Battle Hymn of the Republic - Pro-Union, anti-slavery song written by Julia Ward Howe during the Civil War. , Transcendentalism - Philosophy that believes in individualism, a search for truth, beauty, justice and nature as heavenly., Henry David Thoreau - Transcendentalist, known for his book "Walden", about simple living in nature, & his essay "Civil Disobedience", protesting unjust governments. ,

Unit #5: (C) 8th Grade U.S. History- Industrialization, Immigration & Reform- (5C) Reform Movements & American Culture

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