What is your favorite subject in school? Tell me about the best project or activity you’ve ever done in that subject., If you could wake up tomorrow fluent in two other languages, which would you choose? Why?, Where would your dream field trip be? Why? What would you do there?, What do you think is the most important quality in a teacher? Why?, What’s the best part of your day at school? Why?, . What makes a good friend?, Tell me about a favorite memory you have of your friends., Who is your personal hero? Why?, What do you look forward to most each day?, If you had one year to spend one million dollars, how would you spend it?, What five items would you bring with you to a deserted island? Why?, Do you think there is too much/ not enough technology in the world? What would you change? , What do you think makes your generation unique?, When was the last time you cried because you laughed too hard?, What is your favorite guilty pleasure?, Who is the one person you can always count on?, What inspires you?, What always makes you smile?, What accomplishment of yours are you most proud of?, Do you believe people can truly change?, What is the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?, What is the kindest thing you’ve ever done for someone else?, What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?, What is the one meal you never get tired of eating?.
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