Defining relative clause: A stepfather is a man who is married to your mother but isn’t your father., The girl who is sitting next to the bride is her sister Kerry., Mrs Wilkes is the person who/that moved in last week., Would you like to see the house which/that is for sale?, I know a girl whose parents own a yacht., You shouldn’t drive a car whose bumper is about to fall off., This is the place where my parents first met., He is the man I want to marry., Non-defining relative clause: Hector, who is a brilliant actor, took the main role., Jill, who used to be my neighbour, is going to marry my nephew., The new fi lm, which stars Leonardo DiCaprio, will be a huge success., My father, who lives in Montreal, couldn’t come to the funeral., Joyce’s new Lexus, which she bought last month, cost a fortune., The college building, where the event is going to be held, was built in 1645., Yesterday I bumped into Angus, whose brother is studying Medicine., Tom was late for dinner again, which made his mother furious., The waiter continued to stare at me, which I found extremely annoying.,
Defining/non defining relative clauses
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