Process - A series of actions performed in order to do, make or achieve something., Process writing - An approach to writing which looks at writing as a process and includes different stages of writing such as planning, drafting, re-drafting, editing, proofreading., Productive skills - When students produce language. Speaking and writing are these skills., Proofread - To read a text checking to see if there are any mistakes in spelling, grammar etc., Receptive skills - When students do not have to produce language, instead they read or listen to a text., Scan - To read a text quickly to pick out specific information., Skills - Listening, speaking, reading and writing are these., Skim - To read a text quickly to get a general idea of what it is about., Summary - To take out the main points of a long text, and rewrite them in a short, clear way, using full sentences., Text structure - The way a text is organised. For example, an essay typically has an introduction, main section and conclusion., Topic - The subject of a text or lesson., Topic sentence - A sentence that gives the main point or subject of a paragraph. This is usually the opening sentence in a paragraph.,
TKT Module 1 Unit 5 Reading Unit 6 Listening Unit 7 Writing (21-33)
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