Tell us about yourself., Let’s look through your portfolio! Tell me about a design project that you’re proud of and walk us through your process., What are your strengths and weaknesses?, Why are you interested in working for our company?, What do you think makes someone a good designer?, What is the latest design campaign that you’ve seen and what do you like/or not like about it?, Where do you get design inspiration from?, Do you prefer to work as a team or solo?, How do you handle tight deadlines?, What kind of design projects do you love to work on?, Were there any mistakes you’ve made as a designer and what did you learn from that experience?, Where do you see yourself in the next few years?, If you weren’t doing design what would you be doing?, What are your salary expectations?, Do you have any questions for us?, How do you differentiate yourself from other candidates?, Can you tell me about your most significant achievement?, Can you tell me about a project that didn’t go as planned?, What has been your biggest f**k up? And what did you do about it?, How do you deal with creative blocks?, Have you ever had to come to a compromise or make trade-offs with a team you were working with? How did you navigate that interaction, and what was the outcome?, How do you handle negative feedback?, What do you do to improve your design skills?, Walk us through your design process., What do you think the next big design trend will be?, Where do you currently work? Or tell me about a recent summer internship?.
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