Content - Green, Hopeful - Green, Comfortable - Green, Proud - Green, Grateful - Green, Happy - Green, Calm - Green, Related - Green, Focused - Green, Okay - Green, Hurt - Blue, Sad - Blue, Depressed - Blue, Tired - Blue, Sick - Blue, Bored - Blue, Exsausted - Blue, Shy - Blue, Overjoyed - Red, Mad/Angry - Red, Furious - Red, Devastated - Red, Panicked - Red, Terrified - Red, Out of Control - Red, Elated - Red, Wild - Red, Excited - Yellow, Frustrated - Yellow, Nervous - Yellow, Worried/Anxious - Yellow, Silly - Yellow, Annoyed - Yellow, Embarrassed - Yellow, Overwhelmed - Yellow, Jealous - Yellow, Upset - Yellow, Scared - Yellow, Confused - Yellow,

Matching Emotions to Zones


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