What’s one thing in your home you couldn’t live without? Why?, How should parents deal with misbehavior? Why?, What do you think about today’s fashion trends? Why?, If you had to give up your cellphone, your computer, or your TV, which one item would you choose to give up and why?, Is it better to be a boss or employee? Why?, What type of child were you? Were you a naughty child? Quiet child? Clever child?, Do you consider service jobs to be “good” jobs? Why or why not?, What are some common superstitions about good luck and bad luck in your country?, If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?, Do you know anyone who has started their own business? Tell me about their business., Do you think service jobs are respected in your country? Why or why not?, Do you think it’s possible to have a happy family and a successful career at the same time?, Do you think service jobs are respected in your country? Why or why not?, If you were making a movie about your life, which actor/actress would play the part of you?, Do you think any of the trends from your childhood are going to come back in style? Why or why not?, Can you think of a time when a failure actually worked out well? Tell about it., What are the pros of owning your own business? What are the cons?, Do you like to accessorize? Why or why not?, Who did you respect the most in your family when you were a child and why? Did you always listen to that person? Why or why not?, If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be, and why?, Are superstitions harmful? Why or why not?, What’s your opinion about design TV shows? Are they popular in your country? Why or why not?.
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