1. How important is nature to you? Why?, 2. Where is the best place in your country to see or experience nature?, 3. Why is it important to protect natural wonders?, 4. What are the benefits of learning more about nature in school?, 5. Describe your country’s landscape., 6. Which areas of your country are interesting for visitors? When is the best time to visit?, 7. Which parts of the world would you like to visit? Why?, 8. Have you ever climbed a mountain? How difficult was it?, 9. What examples are there of natural disasters?, 10. What kind of natural disasters are common in your country?, 11. Do you like to workin your yard or garden? Why or why not? What kind of gardening do you like to do?, 12. How can we protect the environment?, 13. What causes forest fires? What happens when we remove forests?, 14. What causes tsunami, tornadoes, and avalanches?, 15. What can we do to protect forests?, 16. What would trees say to humans (if they could talk)?, 17. Can we prepare in advance to cope with natural disasters?, 18. How good would you be at living in nature? Why do you think so?, 19. How does being in nature (forests, mountains, lakes, meadows, etc.) make you feel? Why?, 20. In 100 years from now, what do you think the natural world will be like?.
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