6 - number of Sedarim in the Mishna, Seder > Masechet > Perek > mishna - subdivisions of the Mishna, from largest to smallest, 70 CE - fall of the 2nd Temple; caused Diaspora of Jews from land of Israel, 200 BCE - 200 CE - period of the Tanna'im (whose teachings are in the Mishna), 200-500 CE - period of the Amora'im (whose teachings are in the Gemara), 200 CE - date when the Mishna was compiled/finalized, 500 CE - date when the Gemara was finalized, 2 - number of versions of the Talmud, Talmud Yerushalmi - "Jerusalem Talmud"; this version is not the version from which Rabbinic Judaism flows, Talmud Bavli - "Babylonian Talmud"; this is the version from which Rabbinic Judaism flows, Aramaic - the language that most of the Babylonian Talmud is written in, Mishna + Gemara - the two parts that make up "The Talmud", Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi - the rabbi who compiled Oral Teachings into the Mishna, Mishna citation - מסכת פרק:משנה, Tanakh citation - ספר פרק:פסוק, Gemara citation - מסכת דף.(עמוד), . - amud alef, : - amud bet, masechet - tractate or volume (in Mishna and Gemara), seder - order, Tehorot - seder of Mishna about spiritual and physical purity, Nezikin - seder of Mishna about property damage, how to run courts, criminal and civil law, Kedoshim - seder of Mishna about how to give sacrifices at the Temple and rules of kashrut, Moed - seder of Mishna about holidays, including Shabbat and fast days, Zera'im - seder of Mishna about farming in the Land of Israel and how prayers developed, Nashim - seder of Mishna about matter of family life including marriage, divorce, and child raising, ברכות ג. - Brachot 3a (Gemara citation), :ברכות ג - Brachot 3b (Gemara citation), ברכות ג:ח - Brachot 3:8 (Mishna citation), שמות ד:כא - Shemot 4:21 (Tanakh citation),
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