King Action: King Ahab became king, married Jezebel( daughter of a foreign king), and served/worshipped Baal., King Ahab was attacked by Ben-Hadad of Syria, but listened to the Lord in going out to battle., King Ahab decided to make a treaty with Ben-Hadad instead of killing him., King Ahab obtained a vineyard from his neighbor, Naboth through treachery and murder., God pronounced calamity on King Ahab's whole house because of his evil. Ahab tore his clothes and humbled himself., King Jehoshaphat agreed to go to battle with King Ahab against Syria, but King Jehoshaphat asked to inquire of God., Michaiah prophesied that the conquest of Ramoth Gilead would not be successful and King Ahab would die., The Kings went to battle. King Ahab disguised himself, but King Jehoshaphat wore his royal robes., King Ahaziah became king and walked in the evil ways of his parents; he served/worshipped Baal., King Ahaziah fell through the lattice of his upper room. He sent, King Ahaziah sent messengers to capture Elijah., Outcome of Kings Actions: King Ahab did more to provoke the lord to anger than any King of Israel before him. The Lord sent no dew or rain on Israel except at Elijah's word.than any king of Israel before, The Israelites defeated Ben-Hadad on two separate occasions., God sent a prophet who declared God would require King Ahab's life for Ben-Hadad's since Ahab let a man appointed for death slip away., Elijah prophesied King Ahab would die where Naboth died, and dogs would lick up his blood., The King repented. God told Elijah that because King Ahab humbled himself, God would not bring calamity on Ahab's house until the days of his son., A messenger summoned Micaiah. Micaiah stated he would only tell the king God's words., The kings decided to go to war against Syria anyway., God rescued King Jehoshaphat but King Ahab died, King Ahaziah provoked God to anger., Elijah met the messengers. He asked why the messengers to a foreign god, then prophesied his death., Elijah sent fire down on two sets of soldiers but returned with the third and prophesied King Ahaziah's death again. The king died,

Discover Truth Lesson 6


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