Correct: Federalists wanted a strong National gov, Federalist wanted loose interpretation, T. Jefferson was a Dem-Rep, John Adams made the Alien and Sedition Acts, Jefferson=3rd President, Election 1800 = 1st peace transition of power, Jefferson used power to buy Louisiana, John Marshall = Chief Justice of Sup Court, Marbury Vs Madison was because Midnight Judges, McCulloch vs Maryland was because tax on National bank, Henry Clay started the American System, 36'30' divided free and slave territory, Missouri and Maine = states added to balance power, Incorrect: A. Hamilton was a Dem-Rep, Dem-Reps wanted a national bank, Hamilton helped Burr get elected, Hamilton killed Burr in Duel, USA bought Louisiana Pur. from Spain, Lewis and Mark explored to the Pacific, Pocahontas helped Lewis and Clark, Gibbons vs. Ogden established Judicial Review, Jefferson got Monroe elected in 1808, Jefferson starts the Era of Good Feelings, American System helped southern farmers, Missouri Comp. was because taxes,

Standards 4.2 + 4.3


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