Portuguese - Main language spoken in Brazil, Latin - Spanish and Portuguese are derived from this root language, Andes - South America Western Mountains, Rocky Mountains - North America Western Mountains , Sierra Madre - Name of Andes Mountains in Mexico, Patagonia - Hills and lower flatlands Plateau in South America, Amazon River - South America most famous river, Brazil - Largest country in South America, Tropics - Most of South America resides within the __ region, Bolivia - Which country does this flag belong to, Push Factors - Process of leaving the land to lack of resources or lack of opportunity , Argentina, Venezuela, Chile, Movement - 5 themes: how do people move goods, ideas, people and data, Location - 5 themes: Where is it? , Absolute location - 5 themes: Where is it exactly? , Relative location - 5 themes: It's around where?, Region - 5 themes: Area similar or different, Modifying - 5 themes: Humans turn off the A/C is an example of humans ___ their environment , Hydrosphere - People settle near which type of biosphere to support agriculture , Place - 5 themes: What is that location like? , Cartogropher - A person who's job is to make maps, Equator - Imaginary line that separates the earth into northern and southern hemispheres, Prime Meridian - Longitude line that separates the earth into eastern and western hemispheres,
South America Wordsearch
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