geology - the study of the makeup of the earth and the processes that change and shape it, observation - the act of paying careful attention to gather information, hypothesis - an idea that has been suggested and may be true but has not yet been proven, continental drift - a process in which continents slowly move over time on the surface of the earth, theory - an explanation for why something happens based on evidence, plate tectonics - a theory that Earth’s crust and the solid top part of the mantle are broken up into sections that fit together but move against each other , pressure - the weight or force produced when something presses or pushes against something else, magma - melted rock in Earth’s mantle, lava - red-hot melted rock that has erupted above Earth’s crust from deep underground, basalt - heavy, dense rock formed from cooled, hardened lava, inner core - Earth's deepest layer and made of very hot, solid metal, outer core - the layer within Earth between the inner core and the mantle that is made of very hot, liquid metal, mantle - Earth’s largest and thickest layer that consists of very hot, very dense rock, crust - Earth’s outermost layer, featuring a rocky surface, eyewitness - a person who has seen something happen and is able to describe it, fault - a crack in Earth’s crust, subduction - a process in which a heavier oceanic plate slides under a lighter continental plate, magnitude - an earthquake’s strength, tsunami - a gigantic wave of seawater caused by an earthquake in oceanic crust,
CKLA Unit 5 Week 1
4th Grade
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