Nile River - longest river in the world that made civilization in Egypt possible, Upper Egypt - southern part of Egypt, Lower Egypt - northern part of Egypt, Cataract - a section of the Nile with rapids and rocky terrain, Delta - fan-shaped region created when soil is deposited at the end of a river, Pharaoh - ruler of Egypt, Menes - first king who unified Upper and Lower Egypt, Pyramid - a stone tomb with triangle-shaped sides that come together to form a point on top, Mummy - a body preserved in a way to prevent it from decomposing, Afterlife - life after death, Old Kingdom - 500 year period of Egyptian history from 2700 BCE to 2200 BCE, Theocracy - a system of government ruled by religious leaders, Khufu - most famous pharaoh of the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom - a stable period of Egyptian history from 2050 BCE to 1750 BCE, New Kingdom - most successful period of Egyptian history that took place from 1550 BCE to 1050 BCE, Queen Hatshepsut - successful female pharaoh who increased trade and ruled for 20 years, Ramses the Great - pharaoh and strong military leader who expanded his kingdom, Hieroglyphics - Egyptian writing system that used symbols for words or ideas, Papyrus - a type of paper made out of reeds, Rosetta Stone - a large stone slab that was used to decode hieroglyphics, Obelisk - a tall pillar with four sides and a point at the top, King Tut - a young pharaoh, also known as King Tutankhamen, whose tomb was not disturbed,

Ancient Egypt Vocabulary Set


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