Siblings - Brothers and Sisters, Annoy - To disturb or bother, Investigate - To examine, study, or inquire into systematically; search or examine into the particulars of; examine in detail., Problem - Any question or matter involving doubt, uncertainty, or difficulty., Attention - The act or faculty of attending, especially by directing the mind to an object., Invite - To request the presence or participation of in a kindly, courteous, or complimentary way, especially to request to come or go to some place, gathering, entertainment, etc., or to do something, Protect - To defend or guard from attack, invasion, loss, annoyance, insult, etc.; cover or shield from injury or danger., Calm - Without rough emotion, Important - Of much or great significance or consequence, Proud - Feeling pleasure or satisfaction over something regarded as highly honorable or creditable to oneself,

Tier 2 Vocabulary list 1 definitions

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