FDA - Inspects all meat except poultry, & eggs, regulates food transported across state lines, Writes the food code laws, regulates food services in restaurants, vending operations, schools, hospitals, USDA - Regulates and inspects meat, poultry and eggs, regulates food that crosses state boundaries or involves more than 1 state , CDC - conduct research into the causes of foodborne illness outbreaks also assist in investigating outbreaks , PHS - Local health group that conduct research into the causes of foodborne illness outbreaks also assist in investigating outbreaks, State and local regulatory authorities - writes or adopt codes that regulate retail and foodservice operations. They have the responsibilities related to food safety inspecting operations, enforcing regulations, investigating complaints and illness, issuing lincenses and permits, approving construction, reviewing and approving HACCP plans , RTE - food that can be eaten without further preparation , TCS - these foods needs time and temperature control to limit pathogen growth , Time and temperature abuse - food that is not hot held or stored at the correct temperature,Food is not cooked or reheated to kill pathogens, Food is not cooled correctly , Cross Contamination - Pathogens can be transferred from one surface or food to another , Cross Contact - When an allergens are transferred from food or food contact surfaces containing an allergen to the food served to the customer ,
Serv Safe Terms
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