Science - The systematic knowledge of natural and physical phenomena, Phenomenon - A fact, occurrence, circumstance, or process that can be observed., Applied Science - The process of putting scientific knowledge to practical use., Experiment - A controlled situation that allows a scientist or researcher to determine what causes a change to occur., Formulation - What recipes are called in the food industry, Replicable - Another word for repeatable., Mass - A measure of the quantity of matter., Weight - The measure of the force of gravity between two objects., Calibrate - To adjust a measuring instrument to a standard., Volume - The amount of space occupied by an object., Beaker - A deep, wide-mouthed container with a pouring lip used to hold substances during experiments, Graduated Cylinder - A tall container used to accurately measure the volume of liquids to the nearest milliliter., Meniscus - The curve at the surface of the liquid., Celsius Degree - 0.01 of the different between the boiling and freezing points of water., Scientific Method - A system of steps used to solve problems., Hypothesis - A possible solution to a problem., Variable - A factor that is being changed., Control - The standard against which you measure all changes., Variation - Each change in an experiment., Data - Measurable facts that are collected during an experiment., Conclusion - Analyzes and applies data., Meta-analysis - When results of several individual studies are pooled to yield overall conclusions.,
Food Science Chapter 2 Vocab
Family and Consumer Sciences
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