qualification - a degree or a diploma you get after successfully completing a course, deal with - to take an action to do smth, especially to solve a problem, be responsible for - have control and the duty to take care of it, him or her, stressful - causing a lot of pressure or worry, self-employed - working for yourself, employee - a peason who works for organisation or a person, earn - receive money for work, salary - a fixed amount of money you get monthly or yearly, do paperwork - writing reports, keeping records, writing letters, manual work - physical work using your hands, well paid - a person recieves a good amount of money for work, skilled - having the ability and experience to do smth well, experience - knowledge and skill that you gained through time spent doing a job, work 9 to 5 - flexible working hours, work overtime - work extra hours, work part-time - work not the full day, work long hours - spend long time working, do shift work - work sometimes at night or in the day time, retire - to leave your job or stop working because of old age or ill health, become unemployed - lose your job (generally), be made redundant - lose your job because it's no longer necessary, be sacked / fired / dismissed - lose your job if you do smth wrong, resign - give up a job or position by telling your employer that you are leaving, get a promotion - the act of raising someone to a higher or more important position or rank, apply for a job - to request something, usually officially, especially in writing or by sending in a form, look for a job - to try to find any working place, sign a contract - to write your name, usually on a written or printed document, trial - something or someone that causes anxiety or problems, drawback - a disadvantage or the negative part of a situation, put up with - to accept or continue to accept an unpleasant situation or experience, or someone who behaves unpleasantly,
Gateway B2 Unit 2 Vocabulary
8 класс
9 класс
10 класс
11 класс
gateway b2
Редагувати вміст
Список переможців
Показати більше
Показати менше
Цей список ресурсів наразі є приватним. Натисніть
, щоб зробити його публічним.
Власник/-ця ресурсу приховав/-ла список переможців.
Цей список переможців був прихований, оскільки ваші параметри відрізняються від параметрів власника/-ці ресурсу.
Відновити параметри
— відкритий шаблон. Тут не генеруються бали для списку переможців.
Вхід обов’язковий
Візуальний стиль
Потрібна підписка
Обрати інший шаблон
Показати всі
Під час відтворення вправи відображатиметься більше форматів.
Відкриті результати
Копіювати посилання
Відновити автоматично збережене: