milestone - a developmental skill used to check a child's progress, fontanels - the bones of a newborn's skull have gaps, this is where the bones of the skull have not yet joined, head - the body part that takes the lead in infant development, hearing - sense that develops before birth, finemotor - using fingers, hands, tongue, largemotor - jumping, running, swimming, crawling, physical - development pertaining to a child's ability to control and move their body., intellectual - development of the child's brain and understanding, emotional - child's ability to express themselves and control emotions, social - development in which a child has the ability to interact with others, infants - considered newborns to age 1, toddlers - considered 12 months to 3 years of age, preschoolers - considered 3 years of age to 6 , developmentaldelay - progression through predictable developmental phases that slows, stops, or reverses , parallelplay - playing independently near other child, cooperativeplay - playing with one another, interacting, cooperating, sensitive - a child who prefers to be alone, lacks assertiveness, may be frightened of strangers , placid - a child who typically plays with others, outgoing, takes guidance well, aggressive - a child who is energetic, noisy, often will kick, hit, or bite to get what they want, leaders rather than followers, dexterity - improved skilled used of fingers and hands,
Child P.I.E.S.
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