Black Cowboys of Texas - Former slaves that found freedom through the cowboy life, Chisholm Trail - Early cattle trail from San Antonia, Texas to Abilene, Kansas, Great Western Cattle Trail - Cattle trail from South Texas to the Midwest, civilian - Person who is not in the military, immigrant - a person who leaves one country to live in another, imperialism - larger countries trying to take over smaller ones, Jesup Wagon - Mobile agricultural school started by George Washington Carver, Spanish American War - War fought between Spain and US to gain independence for Cuba, transcontinental railroad - The first railroad to cross the U.S. completed in 1869, Alexander Graham Belll - invented the telephone, Thomas Edison - light bulb filament and electric power station, The Wright Brothers - First Flight, George Washington Carver - Plant Scientist who helped farmers and found many uses for peanuts, Turn of the century - passing from one century to the next (1899-1900), William Mckinley - President during the Spanish American War, Panama Canal - Man made waterway built in Central America to speed up shipping from the east to west coast of US, cattle trail - route used to get cattle to the railroad to send out east to sell,

Turn of the Century

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