Middle Ages - a time period ranging from 500 to 1500 CE, Medieval - related to the Middle Ages, St. Patrick - one of the first missionaries who spread Christianity to Ireland, Charlemagne - leader of the Franks who united many European tribes of Europe in a single empire, Knight - soldiers who fought on horseback, Chivalry - the qualities expected of a knight, such as courage, honor, and courtesy, Fief - a plot of land, Vassal - a knight who received land in exchange for supporting a noble, Feudalism - a social system in which nobles governed land farmed by peasants, William the Conqueror - A French noble who conquered England in the Norman Invasion and spread the concept of feudalism, Manor - a large estate that was owned by a lord or knight, Serf - someone who lived + worked on a manor that could not leave without the lord's permission, Guild - associations formed by groups of specialized workers, Crusades - series of wars between Muslims and Christians over control of Palestine, Holy Land - land around Palestine that is significant to Jews, Christians, and Muslims, Magna Carta - the Great Charter that required the King of England to respect certain rights of the people, Parliament - a law-making group that was formed to advise the King of England and limit his power, Hundred Years' War - a conflict between England and France about who should be king that lasted over 100 years, Joan of Arc - a French girl who inspired the French troops during the Hundred Years' War, Black Death - a deadly plague that killed roughly 25 million Europeans between 1347 and 1351,

Middle Ages Vocabulary


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