My mom just gave me the best birthday present! I feel..., I do not understand my homework at all. I feel..., I just heard a loud noise outside my window! I feel..., The bathroom is really dirty and I don’t want to touch anything in there. I feel..., My class just won a pizza party for selling the most tickets! I feel ….., My dog Max died last week. I feel…., I have to talk in front of the whole class. My hands are shaking. I feel..., I was supposed to play outside today but it is raining and my mom said I have to stay inside. I feel...., I didn't know that my cousin was coming to visit me this weekend! I feel...., I dropped my ice-cream cone on the way home from the park. I feel...., I just finished all of my work for the day. I feel..., My mom just gave me the best birthday present! I feel..., A kid in my class cut in line. I feel..., I was playing at recess and someone said they don't want to be my friend. I feel..., I can't go outside to play with my friends because I didn't do my chores. I feel....
Feelings Scenarios
Social Emotional
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Список переможців
Випадкові карти
— відкритий шаблон. Тут не генеруються бали для списку переможців.
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