True: RDA is a local education agency level (LEA), data driven monitoring framework developed to serve as a comprehensive part of the annual evaluation of an LEAs’ performance and program effectiveness., RDA evaluates SPED, ESL, Other Special Populations (Homeless/MKV, Foster, Military, Each indicator is rated 1-4 based on data submitted through PEIMS., 2-3 years in a row with 3-4 ratings in one area can result in a TEA on-site visit and could result in reduction of state and federal funding, District determinations used to be referred to as reporting categories, If a districts determinations are 1, the district must have a written plan., If a district has a determination of 2, the district must submit the plan to TEA, False: RDA evaluates CTE, RDA content reflects four domains, The domains include academic achievement, post-secondary readiness, and dyslexia., Ratings in 2-4 are good to go, BISD's determination is a 2.,

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