1) with, together, joint a) con, com, co b) -cle c) be d) pre, fore 2) able to be; fit to be; in accordance with a) maxi b) im c) able, ible d) -al 3) state of being [whatever the root is]; a group sharing a condition or state a) -hood, ent, dom b) -ship, -icity c) anti, de d) il 4) belonging to; action of, process of [whatever the root is] a) -hood, ent, dom b) con, com, co c) anti, de d) -al 5) having the qualities of [whatever the root is]; a group sharing a condition or state a) -ly, ous, like, ic b) pre, fore c) inter d) con, com, co 6) before a) est b) im c) con, com, co d) pre, fore 7) above a) er b) over, super c) able, ible d) il 8) result of [whatever the root is] a) -age b) em c) be d) -ship, -icity 9) between, among a) -ly, ous, like, ic b) -ence, tion, sion c) esque d) inter 10) specific section of [whatever the root is] a) est b) -al c) -cle d) over, super 11) an agent; something that performs the action of [whatever the root is] a) -cule, micro b) -ant c) con, com, co d) esque 12) cause; on; around; over; about; excessively; make; name; affect a) be b) pre, fore c) inter d) -cian 13) small a) -cule, micro b) -ship, -icity c) pan d) maxi 14) action, process, quality, or state of [whatever the root is] a) -hood, ent, dom b) -cle c) -ence, tion, sion d) ab 15) not a) able, ible b) -al c) il d) -age 16) not; onto; on; towards a) esque b) pre, fore c) -age d) im 17) condition or status of [whatever the root is] a) -ly, ous, like, ic b) -ship, -icity c) -cule, micro d) -cian 18) to do the action of, greater a) il b) be c) er d) -cian 19) through, across a) trans b) -age c) -al d) em 20) large, most, very a) -ship, -icity b) maxi c) -hood, ent, dom d) be 21) the most a) anti, de b) -hood, ent, dom c) il d) est 22) against a) anti, de b) esque c) er d) -age 23) in the style of, resembling [whatever the root is] a) esque b) -es c) ful d) be 24) all a) pan b) er c) -al d) -ant 25) make; put into; provide with; surround with a) anti, de b) trans c) em d) maxi 26) away from; off a) ab b) em c) -cle d) er 27) an amount or quantity that fills [whatever the root is] a) be b) ful c) -ence, tion, sion d) -cule, micro 28) one who does a) er b) -cian c) able, ible d) maxi 29) multiple, perform the act of the root a) able, ible b) -ship, -icity c) -es d) -ly, ous, like, ic
011.2 Airplane Affixes 80-93 (no circum, bi, auto, sub, ex, post, hyper) partial
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