1) Every word contains at least one _____________. a) consonant b) prefix c) vowel d) suffix 2) Every syllable contains at least ___________ vowel. a) None b) one c) two d) three 3) You can tell how many syllables a word has by how many ____________ it contains. a) prefixes b) consonants c) vowels d) suffixes 4) A, E, O, I, U, and sometimes Y, are consonants. a) True b) False 5) What two "vowel teams" say the long /a/ sound? a) ay, au b) ai, au c) ai, ay d) None of these 6) What is the word that means: a group of letters added to the beginning of a base word to form a new word, called? a) prefix b) vowel c) suffix d) syllable 7) What does the prefix "mis" mean? a) before b) again c) at the end d) wrongly, not 8) What is an example word for the "vowel team" sound /au/ ? a) sauce b) say c) rain d) farm 9) What is the word that means a group of letters added at the end of a base word to create a new word, called? a) syllable b) consonant c) prefix d) suffix 10) What does the prefix "dis" mean? a) wrongly b) into c) opposite of, not d) again 11) What does the "pre" in the word prefix mean? a) before b) at the end c) opposite of, not d) again 12) What is the symbol above a vowel to indicate a long sound called? a) breve b) macron c) dash d) asterisk


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