Continuity editing - Continuity editing is the process, in film and from a single shot from a single shot video creation, of combining more-or-less related shots, or different components cut, montage - Piecing together separate sections of film to form a continuous whole.Piecing together separate sections of film to form a continuous whole., Cut - A transition where one shot is instantly followed by another., Sequence - A long take composed of one shot that extends for an entire scene or sequence. Usually requires complex camera movements and action., cutaway - The interruption of a continuously filmed action with a shot that’s peripherally related to the principal action, Eyeline match - A technique based on the idea that viewers want to see what on-screen characters are seeing. For example, if a character is looking intently at an off-screen object, the following shot will show the object or person, Cross cut - The video editing technique of switching back and forth between scenes, often giving the impression that the action occurring in different locations is unfolding at the same time. (the stakes need to be equal the urgency needs to be equal and the dramatic question needs to be equal), Fades - A visual effect used to indicate a change in place and time. This involves a gradual brightening as a shot opens or a gradual darkening as the shot goes black or to another colour. Sound also fades in and out to convey the change., Dissolve - A shot that gives viewers an idea of where the scene is taking place. These usually involve a shot from a long distance, such as a bird’s eye view., Wipes - The transition from one shot to another with a visible pattern or element. No longer used in today’s films but very common in early cinema. , Jump cuts - An abrupt cut that creates a lack of continuity between shots by leaving out parts of the action., Synchronous sound - Sound that match certain movement in a scene, Asynchronous sound - The sound is synchronous but out of time with the camera, Sound effects - This is used to make a sound higher or lower in the movie to show to define the sound being made during that time., Sound motifs - A combination of sound effects that are associated with a certain character, setting or theme throughout the movie., Sound bridge - Connects scenes together, Dialogue - People speaking, Voice over - Someone talking over a film, Soundtrack (score) - Music on a film, Incidental music - Weird sounds that almost make music, Ambient - Background sounds that are expected in the scheme area, Match cut - Any transition from a previous scene to match something in the next, Iris - Made by closing the aperture on the camera, Passing (pass by effect) - Uses a moving object to transfer to the next scene, Invisible cut - marries two scenes together with two similar frames. The goal is to hide the transition from viewers for a smooth, nearly unnoticeable cut., Whip pan - a camera movement that literally whips the camera back and forth on its x-axis to create a disorienting motion blur effect., Morph - a special effect in motion pictures and animations that changes (or morphs) one image or shape into another through a seamless transition., Dynamic cut - an editing technique that rapidly takes a viewer through a flurry of images,
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