Megacities - 10 million inhabitants or more: Cairo, Mumbai, Beijing, Dhaka, Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto, Metacities - 20 million inhabitants or more in an urban area: Tokyo, Delhi, Shanghai, Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Core - Those nations in World Systems Theory which are dominant and have a dominant economic relationship with the semi-periphery and periphery., Periphery - Those nations in World Systems Theory who are being dominated., Semiperiphery - Those nations in World Systems Theory who both have dominating economic relationships with the periphery and less dominant ones with the core., Urbanization - The movement to and growth of cities., Suburbanization - The growth of cities outside of an urban area., Sprawl - The expansion of cities and urban areas into surrounding rural or undeveloped land., Edge cites - A concentration of business, shopping, and entertainment outside a traditional downtown or central business district, in what had previously been a suburban residential or rural area., Exurbs - The small, prosperous, residential communities lying beyond the suburbs of a city., Boomburbs - A large, rapidly growing city that is suburban in character but resembles population totals of large urban cores., Wallerstein's World Systems Theory - Economic theory that there are three types of economic nations - the core, the semi-periphery, and the periphery.,
Topic 6.2 Cities Across the World AP Human Geography Pt 1
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