1) what is my favorite emo band? a) the neighborhood b) block boys c) queens d) szaz e) niketa f) broake boys love( B.B.L) 2) who do i hate most a) nicki manaj b) taylor swift c) hary styles d) justin bever e) all the above f) all but justin 3) what type of music is my fav a) R&B b) country c) opera d) classical e) gospell f) ur mom is bald 4) what is my fav olivia album a) guts b) sour c) Bizaardvark d) GUTS: the secret tracks e) Best of High School Musical: f) GUTS deluxe  u mamma 5) what is my fav artist fav color a) maroon b) red c) black d) blue e) indigo f) pink and sparkels 6) what colors do i look best in  a) blue,pink,maroon b) red c) orange d) purple,white e) blue,green, indigo,purple f) brown,pink,purple,blue 7) what sport do i hate the most a) track b) swimming c) gymnastics d) tennis e) cricket f) all obove 8) what is my mothers name and fathers name a) Elysa,Jamar b) Elisya,JJ c) Arion, Devin d) Crystal, nobel e) nini, jakel f) elyyisa, ronen 9) what is my fav college a) Harvered b) Lsu c) nsa d) prinston e) Mianmi unity f) tulane 10) what is my fav day of the week a) friday b) wesnday c) tuesday d) thurday e) sat f) sun 11) what is my less fav person a) jojo swiwa b) blinking person on tik tok c) makayla d) kara e) blake f) all the above 12) what do i want most a) mooney b) money c) moony d) money money money, must be funny in a rich mans world e) money f) money


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