ellos bailan - they dance, ella canta - she is singing, dibujo - I do draw, Uds. escuchan - You plural are listening, La profesora enseña - the teacher is teaching, estudiamos - we are studying, hablas - you fam. do talk, montáis - You plural (in Spain) ride, ellas nadan - They ( f.) are swimming, Ud. necesita - You form. need, patinas - you fam. are skating, ella practica - she does practice, tocamos la guitarra - we are playing the guitar, Uds. trabajan - You all work, él usa - He is using, nado - I am swimming, ellas estudian - They ( f) do study, ella esquía - she does ski, Me llamo - I call myself, Ud. estudia - You form. are studying,

Regular - ar verb conjugation


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