Captivate - to attract and hold attention because of beauty or excellence, ample - as much or more than is needed, scour - to look carefully over an area in search of something, sinister - evil; wicked, careen - to sway or lean while moving, adorn - to decorate, distress - to cause great worry or pain, stroll - to walk leisurely, ecstatic - full of joy, devastating - causing ruin, diverse - of different kinds or sorts, prestigious - highly respected, extract - to take out, renowned - famous for something, adept - skillful, vast - covering a large area; immense, evole - to change or develop gradually, penetrate - to break or pass into, flourish - to thrive, reside - to live in a place; to dwell, cunningly - slyly, cleverly, gape - to stare with an open mouth as in wonder, prudently - showing wise judgement, cherish - to hold or treat as dear,

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