waterfall - where a river drops from a high point to a low point, coastline - the area of land next to the sea, ocean - a very large sea, valley - a low area of land between hills with a river in it, cliffs - high rocks, often next to the sea, rainforest - a large forest in a very wet area, cave - a hole in the side of a hill or under the ground, lake - a large area of water, often in a park, forest - a very large area which has lots of trees in it, island - a piece of land with water all around it, plants - trees and flowers are examples of these, desert - a very dry area where it doesn't rain much, river - a long area of water that often ends in the sea, field - a farmer grows things or puts his animals here, mountain range - this is very tall and often has snow at the top, glacier - a large mass of ice that moves slowly,

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