Purpose - Team members understand and agree on the team's purpose and goals., Results - The team accomplishe what it sets out to achieve., Meeting Process - Meetings are well faciliated and focused and result in clear outcomes., Decisions - Ther are clear and articulated agreements about how decisions will be made., Commitment - Team members buy in to decisions without hidden reservations or hesitation; actions reflect their commitment., Contributions - Member contributions (ideas and information) are recognized and utilized. Different styles are embraced., Creativity - Team members experiment with different ways of doing things and are creative in their approach., Collaboration - Team members share their experience and expertise in ways that enhance team productivity and development., Respect - Team members feel valued as an individual member. All members are treated with respect., Interpersonal Communication - Communication between members is open and balanced at meetings., Productive Conflict - Members engage in unfliltered debate around ideas and issues., Unproductive Conflict - Members work contructively on issues until they are resolved., Procedures - There are effective procedures to guide team functioning both during meetings and outside of meetings., Accountability - Team members hold each other accountable., Evaluation - The team regularly evaluates its process and productivity.,

Art of Coaching Teams Sort


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