Toshba - Oral Law, Ona'ah - To wrong someone, Ona'at D'varim - To wrong someone with words, Stam Mishna - A mishna with out a Rabbi listed. Believed to be the opinion of Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi, Tanu Rabanan - Our rabbi's taught, Torah Shel Ba'al Peh - Toshba, תנ"ך - Tanakh, משנה - Mishna, גמרא - Gemara, Talmud - The mishna + the gemara, Prooftext - An earlier (more powerful) text the rabbis used to make their point (can be used today also), גר (Ger) - Stranger/convert, Baraita - A teaching not included in the mishna but included in the gemara, שנאמר (she'nemar) - Introduces a prooftext, תנו רבנן - Introduces a baraita, Ploney - Unnamed, not specific person used in an example, Lashon Hara - negative but true things said behind someones back with the intention to cause harm, Rechilut - Gossip, intention to create conflict and spread stories. , אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁ - Even though, תנאים - Rabbis of the Mishna, אָמוֹרָאִים - Rabbis of the Gemara, יכול (Yachol) - Introduces an idea which will be rejected later, תלמוד לומר - Introduces the proof text that shows why the idea was wrong, יכול (Yachol) is partnered with - תלמוד לומר, Nation - עם (Am), Rebuke - תוכה (tokhecha), To rebuke - Telling someone they did something wrong, לשון יתירה (Lashon Yeteriah) - Extra language that teaches us something new,

Toshba 7 Vocabulary


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