Great Rapprochement - after decades of occasional animosity American diplomats began to cultivate close, cordial relations with Great Britain at the end of the 19th century - relationship would intensify after during WWI, McKinley Tariff - Shepherd through Congress by Mckinley this tariff raised duties on Hawaiian sugar and set off renewed efforts to secure the annexation of Hawaii to the United States, Insurrectos - cuan insurgent who southg freedom from colonial Spanish rule, Their destructive tactics threatend American economic interest in Cuban plantations and railroad , USS Maine - US ship that exploded of the coast of Cuba killing 260 soldiers, proved to be an accident later, but American used it as a pretense to accelerate going to war with Spain, Teller Amendment - amendment that proclaimed that when the US had overthrown Spanish misrule in Cuba it would give Cuba it's freedom, showed Americans holding onto anti-imperialist ideas, Rough Riders - Organized by TR ragtag group of soldier that fought in Cuba - propelled Teddy Roosevelt to governor of NY and later Vice President , Anti-Imperialist League - A diverse group fromed to protest American colnoial oversight in the Philippines, it included university president, industrialist, cleargymen and labor leaders. Stongrest in the Northeast it was the largest lobbing organization on a US foreign policy issue. , Foraker Act - granding Puerto Rico a limited degree of popular government - , Insular Cases - supreme court cases that decreed that the Constitution does NOT follow the flag, In other word Puerto Ricans and Filipinos would not necessarily enjoy all American Rights, Platt Amendment - US pressured Cuban government to include this amendment it limited Cuba's treaty making abilities controlled to debt and stipulated that the US could intervene militarily to restore order when it saw fit, Open Door note  - - A message sent by U.S. Secretary of State John Hay in 1899 to major world powers. Proposed that all nations should have equal trading rights in China which was meant to prevent any nation from monopolizing trade with China, Roosevelt Corollary - Reinforced the idea of the monroe doctrine, warded off all European powers from Latin america as a way to keep US in control., Root-Takahira agreement 1908 - Agreement by which the US and Japan agreed to respect each other's territorial possession in the pacific and to uphold the Open Door in China. The agreement was credited with easing tensions between the to nation buti it also resulted in a weakened American influence over Japanese control in China , Boxer Rebellion - an uprising in China against foreign influence. it was suppressed by an international force of 18,000 soldiers including Americans. Paved the way for the establishment of Republic of China in 1912, Queen Liluokalani - last reigning queen of Hawaii her defense of native self-rule led to revolt by white settlers and her detghronement , AT Mahan - wrote the Influence of Sea Power upon History - provided motivation for US to expand navy and assert global dominance. , Josiah Strong - protestant clergyman who touted the superiority of Anglo-Saxxon civilization an helpe summon American to spread their religion abroad,

APUSH Imperialism


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